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VMware Fusion 8.5.8 虚拟机For Mac破解版

发布时间:2017-06-29 11:56:46编辑:下1个好软件

下1个好软件VMware Fusion 8.5.8 虚拟机For Mac特别版,是一款比较出名的虚拟机软件,本文提供的是VMware Fusion 8.5.8 For Mac版。可以在Mac上面虚拟机安装Windows等操作系统,不会影响你Mac系统的安全。

VMware Fusion 8.5.3

VMware Fusion 8 Mac版支持 DirectX 10 的 3D 图像加速、OpenGL 3.3 和 USB 3.0以及不同 DPI 的多种显示屏。VMware 虚拟机平台同样支持 64 位系统,单个虚拟机最高支持 16 vCPU(虚拟处理器),64GB RAM 和 8TB 的硬盘。

VMware Fusion 8 Mac版为最新的 Mac 进行了优化,包括配备 5K 显示屏的 iMac 和 12 英寸 MacBook,DirectX 10 支持 Mac 用户在 5K 显示屏下以原生分辨率运行 Windows 虚拟机,此外它们还支持 MacBook 上的 USB-C 和 Force Touch 技术。

VMware Fusion 8.5.8 虚拟机For Mac特别版 更新内容:

1.Day 0 support of the Windows 10 Creators Update (version 1703) as a guest operating system

2.Bug fixes and security updates

3.The git clone command often stalls in a macOS virtual machine that uses NAT networking - When you run the git clone command in a macOS virtual machine that is configured to use NAT network, the command often stalls; this is fixed in Fusion 8.5.7

4.After upgrading VMware Tools, the VMware shared folder drive is shown as disconnected with a red "X" in the guest OS - After upgrading VMware Tools to version 10.1.5 or 10.1.6 and rebooting Windows, Windows Explorer shows the VMware Shared Folder drive as disconnected with a red "X" Workaround: Refresh the connection by clicking the drive and accessing it as normal


VMware Fusion 8.5.8 虚拟机For Mac特别版下载:


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